BGS spúšťa novú webovú stránku s vylepšenými funkciami!

Spoločnosť BGS Beta-Gamma-Service, špecializovaný poskytovateľ v oblasti radiačnej sterilizácie a radiačného sieťovania, kompletne obnovila svoju webovú stránku s čistým, moderným dizajnom a vylepšeným obsahom.
BGS Beta-Gamma-Service GmbH & Co. KG  

Key Benefits and Features for Radiation Crosslinking and Radiation Sterilization Users:

    • Enhanced Radiation Crosslinking Content: The updated pages now cover applications in automotive manufacturing and e-mobility, electronics, infrastructure and building technology, and mechanical engineering. Learn more at:
    • Enhanced Radiation Sterilization Content: Customers from the biotechnology, medical devices, and packaging industries can find valuable information on how to sterilize their products on a new page. Learn more at:
    • New “Innovation” Section: Discover BGS\'s latest research projects, including radiation crosslinking of biopolymers and the recycling of radiation cross-linked plastics, in our new \"Innovation\" section. Learn more at:
    • Modern Design and Improved Usability: The new BGS website redesign features a sleek, contemporary look with intuitive navigation, making it easier than ever to find the information you need.

“With this new website, we’re excited to provide a platform that aligns with our commitment to quality and user satisfaction,” says Sarah Eling, Project Manager at BGS Marketing.

Visit the new website at to explore the advantages of radiation sterilization and radiation crosslinking today!

Autor: BGS Beta-Gamma-Service GmbH & Co. KG

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