Chemicals Management – REACH Conference 2024
REACH Conference 2024
REACH Conference 2024 will be held in Bratislava, Slovak Republic on October 15-16, 2024
14th of October 2024 sectoral meetings will be held in Bratislava organized by respective EU industry associations. Please contact representatives of the industry association of interest for more details.
Ekotox Centers together with partners and representatives of Cefic, Eurometaux kindly willing to participate on the REACH Conference Bratislava 2024, are delighted to announce the conference topics for discussion.
REACH 2.0 focus on improving / updating the Risk management of chemicals in the EU
- Awareness raising on new REACH vs products/articles vs Green Deal (the EU’s chemicals strategy for sustainability towards a toxic-free environment);
- Criteria to define the essential use of most harmful chemicals;
- Implementation of CLP criteria;
- Substitution study outcome and what that means;
- Interface between and product legislation: batteries, ELVs, ROHS, detergents regulation, … and other product legislation;
- Chromium (VI) Restriction to replace Authorisation = as a case;
- PFAS restrictions – state-of-the-art and consequences;
- OSOA (how to make this understandable for general factory manager?)
- Practical implementation of refinement of ES to meet the MAF;
But also other aspects may require attention:
- How can a better balance between Chemicals, Climate and Circularity be assured?
- Suggestions for industry in „transitional period“;
- How to achieve better focus on “what matters”:
- The need for more and better prioritisation;
- Partnership for the Assessment of Risks from Chemicals (PARC) – state of the art;
The REACH Conference 2024 board:
Dunja Drmac, Cefic (European Chemical Industry Council)
Hugo Waeterschoot, Eurometaux (European Association of Metals)
Yuko Miyata, BASF
Martin Murín, Ekotox Centers
Pan-European University
Tomášikova 20
82102 Bratislava
Slovenská republika
Agendu webinára nájdete tu
Ekotoxikologické Centrum Bratislava s.r.o.
Konzultačné a poradenské služby, plnenie legislatívnych požiadaviek na výrobky, chemická legislatíva REACH, CLP.
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