4th World Elastomer Summit

8.3.2017 - 9.3.2017 Štát: Nemecko Mesto: Düsseldorf
Globálny summit zameraný na elastoméry.

ACI is pleased to announce the 4th World Elastomer Summit taking place on 8-9 March in Düsseldorf, Germany. Panic buying and stock piling of material are all results of high price forecasts which have led to an oversupply in elastomer material. The overcapacity of synthetic rubber is at its peak which leaves repercussions on the butadiene market. As a result of this, manufacturers are forced to slow down production rates which has a huge economic and social impact on the industry as a whole. ‘When can we expect to see an upsurge in prices?’ is a common question asked. With future forecasts from key leaders in the industry, the two day conference will highlight market predictions for that of butadiene, synthetic and natural rubber. Additionally, we will look into key market drivers in tire, automotive & industrial sectors exploring breakthrough applications with the potential to promote growth in the business.

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